
Our main service of worship is on Sunday mornings.

Millennium Window at Riverside

Visitors are very welcome.

Recordings of our services are taken each week to members who have difficulty attending on Sundays.


The Sacrament of The Lord’s Supper is celebrated in the Church on the first Sunday of March, June, October and December. There is also a short Sacrament of Communion after Sunday Service on the First Sunday of each of the other months. Home Communion is available for those who are housebound or sick and unable to attend the services in church. The table of the Lord is open to all who love the Lord.

Riverside Church Choir

The choir leads worship through music at Sunday worship, leading the congregation in praise. An Anthem is sung on the last Sunday of each month September to April.

The Choir enjoys good fellowship at rehearsals on Thursday evenings. Anyone who would like to consider being part of the Choir would be made most welcome. Special tuition would be given to those who feel they “can’t read music”.

Day: The choir meet September to April on a Thursday evening in the Choir Room, Riverside Church Halls.
Time: 19:30 to 21:00
Contact: All enquiries to the Church Office on 01389 742551 or office@dumbartonriverside.org.uk

Sunday School

Riverside is fortunate to have a lively Sunday school – please contact the church office if you would like information about enrolling your own children.

Messy Church

Messy Church

Messy Church

Open to all ages, Messy Church events take place every six weeks on alternate Friday evenings and late Saturday afternoons.  Involving a collaborative and fun approach to worship they last an hour and a quarter and include craft work and games based on a Bible theme.  Please visit our Messy Church page for further details: Messy Church

Special Services

Information on special services such as weddings,  baptisms and baby blessings can be found by clicking here.